How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship

How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship (#19 Is Genius)

Today we are talking about how to be dominant in a long distance relationship! Being the dominant partner in a relationship entails more than just controlling the bedroom.

Women adore a man who is in command of all areas of a relationship, but the line between dominance and control can be blurry.


27 Strategic Tips: How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship

How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship
How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship

You don’t have the right to say and do whatever you want just because you’re the dominant spouse. Don’t assume for a minute that it gives you the right to coerce or manipulate your partner into doing things they don’t want to do.

Nobody wants to date a real-life counterpart of American Psycho’s Partick Bateman. The strength of your character and how you make your girlfriend feel safe and protected should represent your control in the relationship.

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We can assist you if you feel like you’re not wearing the pants or if your partner wants you to take more charge in specific situations. We’ve listed some helpful hints to help you restore your dominance, as well as some background on dominating behavior and what it entails.

What Is Dominant Behavior and How Does It Affect You?

Alpha males are dominant men who are commonly referred to as such. This conjures up pictures of tall, gorgeous, strong men who were quarterbacks on their high school football teams and now work in finance while spending their weekends drinking beers with their buddies. While this definition of a domineering male is accurate, not all men behave in the same way. Anyone who is self-assured and assertive can be considered dominant.

Dominant behaviors are taught in stages, according to Irwin Bernstein’s groundbreaking hypothesis. Men who are dominating typically pick up on their parents’ behavior. While most guys develop dominating characteristics as they become older, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to be a powerful male now. You can become a dominant partner by being outgoing, confident, and willing to share your views.

Relationship Tips

Dominant people are the ones who take leadership and have the most influence in a group of friends or relationships. This entails them being the focal point of attention and projecting their ideas and thoughts onto others.

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Goal-oriented, competitive, decisive, tough, and occasionally aggressive, people with a dominating personality can still be kind and kind. Dominant males are frequently more focused with the outcome than the process, which can have an influence on their personal relationships.

A domineering boss, for example, is more concerned with getting the job done than establishing friends with their coworkers. This may be beneficial to company, but it is detrimental to relationships. As a result, this type of action in a relationship should be more reciprocal. That may seem counterintuitive, but if you become too domineering and controlling, you will create an environment in which your partner will feel confined and possibly scared.

While you can still make the big decisions, create objectives, and pursue what you both want, you should do so with care and sincerity. Make use of your domineering personality to look after your partner and make sure they get the attention they need.

Dominant Characteristics: Good and Bad

There are a variety of attributes that dominant males have, but not all of them are positive. Here’s a breakdown of the characteristics that distinguish good from terrible dominant behavior.

  • Good
  • Respectful\sCaring
  • Strong
  • Take charge attitude Self-assured leader Manipulative
  • Controlling
  • Co-dependency should be enforced.
  • Abusive\sAggressive

A decent dominating man is capable of taking command and making decisions without being oppressive or harsh. You can demonstrate that you are the alpha man by communicating, listening, and being respectful.

Relationship Tips

In your relationship, here are:

27 ways to help you be dominant without being domineering

1. Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control

The first tip on how to be dominant in a long distance relationship, is People that who are dominant prefer to have total control over their lives, from their profession to their relationships to their food. This indicates that they have excellent self-control and discipline.

Men in positions of power are more likely to take care of their bodies and stay in shape. While aggressiveness is a negative quality of dominating men, those who have self-control will recognize when they need to be calm and collected.

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This is especially true when you’re in the middle of a disagreement. A strong, disciplined man will not yell and act irrationally, but will endeavor to reason clearly and quietly. He’ll be delighted to converse with his spouse and listen to what they have to say.

2. Maintain a goal-oriented mindset

The capacity to define and achieve goals is a key characteristic of powerful males. We don’t expect you to establish unrealistic goals, such as becoming a millionaire before the age of 30, but you can absolutely set goals that you believe you can achieve.

These can be simple objectives, such as shedding the weight you gained over the holidays, or larger goals, such as achieving that promotion at work. Having objectives demonstrates to your partner that you are motivated and continually striving to better. Add in some relationship objectives, and she’ll be weak in the knees.

3. Be clear about what you want.

A powerful man, like a goal-oriented person, knows what he wants out of life and pursues it.

This doesn’t mean you should take unnecessary risks; instead, make a plan and stick to it in order to attain your goals. If necessary, the dominating man will enlist the assistance of others, but only in a way that benefits them both. He will not take advantage of others or manipulate them to achieve his goals. Everyone comes out of the issue in a positive light by being fair and supporting the other person.

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Even if you already have the female you want, you can keep reminding her of why you wanted her so strongly. Always shower her with compliments and make her feel like the queen she is. Remind her that you adore her and will continue to do so.

Relationship Tips

Long Distance Relationships

4. Don’t Accept “No” as an answer

That isn’t totally true, but just because something doesn’t work out the first time doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try again. So you didn’t receive that job promotion? This does not imply that you are a failure who should give up. Gather comments on why things didn’t go your way and concentrate on those areas to enhance your chances of landing the job next time.

Perhaps you and your spouse are attempting to obtain a loan, but the large banks are refusing to cooperate. A strong man will take it in stride and keep pushing forward, looking into every opportunity to acquire that financing so you can buy your first home together or get that new automobile you both want. You must be able to deal with setbacks like these and continue on with your life.

5. But You Should Also Know When To Say No

I guarantee I’m not trying to perplex you, but there are instances when saying no is the best option. If your other half puts pressure on you to do something or act in a certain way, you must have the confidence to say no. Do this in a courteous manner, but she must understand that there are some things that you will not compromise on.

This may be difficult if your girlfriend generally wears the pants, but you can’t have her walking all over you. Especially if she is attempting to mold you by forcing you to wear certain clothes or forbidding you from socializing with your friends. This is equally true if you are the one in charge. You can’t expect her to agree with everything you say all of the time, and you must be willing to give in on occasion.

When discussing these topics, be tough yet calm. Tell her how you feel and why you made the decision you did. If she can comprehend it, she is more inclined to accept it. Screaming no and telling her she can do whatever she wants anytime she wants isn’t going to cut it, and will almost certainly result in tears.

6. Body Language’s Influence

Show your girlfriend that you’re serious about business by how you carry yourself. The way you hold yourself, whether in public or at home, says a lot about you. Dominant males have a friendly manner and good posture (no slouching). Smiles put people at ease, while a firm handshake demonstrates that you aren’t a pushover.

Put your arm over her and make her feel safe when you’re with her. Rub her back or stroke her neck. Don’t go overboard with your physicality. These tiny actions will make her feel wanted while also demonstrating your power without being overbearing.

7. Set a good example

Take the bull by the scruff of the neck and demonstrate your dominance to your partner. Take the initiative and be decisive in your decisions. Nothing is more frustrating than sitting around unable to determine where to eat or what movie to watch because no one can decide. Be the one to make the decision and follow through. Take care of the finances as well. Women admire a man who can manage his finances and understand where his money is going. It demonstrates your financial acumen while also demonstrating your dedication to her.

8. Take Chances

It’s all about taking chances in life. If you never venture outside of your comfort zone, you will live a fairly mundane existence. To earn the prize, you must be willing to make the major actions. This could entail quitting a job you despise in order to pursue your passion or pushing yourself to achieve your fitness objectives. This entails being open and vulnerable in a relationship. Prepare to share your emotions with your companion. Discuss your life’s aspirations and objectives. Let your companion know if something is bothering you. She may not like what she hears, but she will appreciate your candor.

Relationship Tips

Inviting her to live with you is a good idea. Propose while down on one knee. Tell her you want to start a family. These may not appear to be risks, yet any decision you make in life involves taking a chance and hoping for the best. You will reap the benefits if you embrace these moments with your significant other and give them your all.

9. Maintain a Calm Attitude

To make his point, a dominant man does not need to yell or swear. Be assured in your words and have a cool demeanor. After all, you are an adult, so act like one. Your partner would appreciate it if you can talk about things in a mature manner without making a fuss. It demonstrates that you are in control of your emotions and are unlikely to lose control if things don’t go your way.

Long Distance Relationships

10. Don’t Be Afraid To Express Yourself

Even if their perspective differs from everyone else’s, dominant guys have no qualms about expressing it. This is especially crucial in a relationship because if you don’t speak up for what you believe in, you’ll be regarded like a doormat. Have faith in what you believe and be confident in your ability to communicate with your partner about any challenges you may be experiencing in your relationship. This allows you to both express your viewpoints in a non-judgmental environment. On the other hand, expect your partner to do the same or disagree with your viewpoint. If this is the case, then discuss the situation. Don’t start a yelling match or try to impose your beliefs on her. That’s simply not acceptable and will have a negative impact on the relationship.

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11. Treat others with regard

You don’t have the right to do anything you want in a relationship just because you’re the dominant one. You must still respect your partner’s desires and requirements. Even if you make the majority of the decisions and your spouse is fine with you taking the lead, there are some topics about which you and your partner must agree. Both of you must contribute to important life decisions. You must respect her opinion and consider her feelings and opinions.

12. Take Charge of Your Bedroom

This last point may or may not be applicable depending on your current sexual relationship with your partner. While most men want to be dominant in the bedroom, some women prefer to be in charge, and if that’s the case and it works for you, that’s fine. However, there are a few things you may do if you want to take command. You should be the one who starts the conversation and decides how things will go in the bedroom.

Tell your lady you want to be on top if she is typically on top. Tell her what you intend to do to her. These are general guidelines, but if you want things to become a little weirder, talk to your partner beforehand to make sure she’s on board. You can’t start choking her or smacking her across the face without her being aware. You’ll need her permission so that you both know what’s okay and what’s not. Communication is crucial, as previously stated, especially when it comes to sex.

13. Pretend you’re more powerful than you actually are.

The persona we present to the rest of the world makes up half of who we are. One of the most exciting aspects about meeting new people or relocating to a new profession or location is the opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Just as what others say about you may shape who you are and how others see you, what you tell yourself about yourself can shape who you are and how others perceive you.

Rather than perceiving yourself as the good guy who always goes along with the crowd and never goes against the grain, role-play the person you like the most and become the persona you’ve always wanted to be.

Relationship Tips

After all, no one but you can tell you who you are and what’s in your heart. Tell yourself that you are a powerful person who can change your life from the inside out.

14. Simply say “no.”

People in positions of power are not obligated to do what others wish. We become little minions all too often as a result of our incapacity to say no to other people. We allow individuals to manipulate us out of a sense of obligation or guilt.

Allowing someone to force you to do something you don’t want to do is a bad idea. If it makes you uncomfortable or isn’t good for you, you must be strong enough to understand that you owe no one anything and that you always have the right to say “no.” No is a powerful word that can make you the ruler of others.15. Use hushed tones and carry a huge stick.

People that are dominant have things that make them feel powerful. Wear your enormous boy or girl clothes that no one knows about and keep a long stick in your back pocket.

Bring something that provides you strength with you all the time to remind you of your potential and how tough you can be when you need to be in any scenario you find yourself in.

16. Recognize that you are the only one who can hold you back.

You are the only one who can prevent you from achieving your goals. Being dominant sometimes takes not just persuading others, but also persuading oneself that you are the alpha dog.

How will anyone else want to follow you if you can’t pitch yourself as the Alpha? The rest will fall into place if you believe in yourself.

17. Defeat the bully.

Taking out the bully will catapult you to the top of the leaderboard. A bully is someone who asserts dominance through the use of force. There are a variety of ways to obtain power, and bullying isn’t usually one of them.

If you want to be in charge, you must eliminate the bully. Everyone will look up to you if you display the true colors of the one who is calling the shots but lacks authority, and you will be crowned king of the mountain.

18. Make sure they don’t see you sweat.

Another important technique for being dominant is to never let your guard down or show your fear. Even in your most terrified moments, putting on a brave front and demonstrating that you are not going to give in or give up is the most effective weapon you have.

Relationship Tips

The only way to demonstrate someone you’re not going to give in is to play chicken. Even if you wish to hide and run, you must present a different image to the world.

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19. Give yourself a boost of confidence.

Self-affirmation, not Stuart Smalley-style pep talks, but genuine pep talks, can help you maintain authority over others. It’s critical to keep building oneself up and not allowing self-doubt to seep in if you want to stay on top.

Allowing others to make you feel inferior is not a good thing. Make a mental note of who you are, what you desire, and what you will and will not tolerate.

20. Make a strategy.

The best tip for becoming dominant is to have a strategy and know what you want to achieve. Whether they know they are absolutely correct, or when it is something they are passionate about or know a lot about, most individuals know how to be assertive and express themselves.

The more self-assured you are in any circumstance, and the more convinced you are that you know how to handle it, the more natural dominance you will have in that position.

21. Face your fears and overcome them.

Fear is one of the most powerful forces in your life that keeps you obedient. We all have fears, even the most self-assured of us. One of the most important aspects of how to be dominant is to let go of the things you are most afraid of.

Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, consider the best-case scenario that can result from success. By allowing fear to rule us, we often talk ourselves out of taking control, stepping into new situations, or getting ahead of the pack. When you let go of your anxieties, you’ll discover that dominance becomes your new guide.

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22. Have faith in yourself.

Self-doubt will keep you in a passive role in your life for the rest of your life. It’s all about having others follow you and being “the leader” when you’re dominant. That comes through persuading those around you that you are deserving of their attention.

It’s difficult to have others follow in your footsteps if you don’t believe in yourself. You must think that you are deserving of people’s respect and devotion if you want to be dominating in your relationship, your job, or just in general.

23. It is said that practice makes perfect.

Being in front of the pack doesn’t come easy to everyone, which is why you should practice taking the lead. Sometimes it’s easier said than done. Telling others what to do and taking charge may feel awkward and phony if you’re used to being submissive.

The more you practice dominating others, the more natural it will become. It doesn’t imply something isn’t worthwhile just because it isn’t comfy.

If you want to succeed, you must sometimes take the bull by the horns. But first, you’ll need to practice grabbing the reins a few times.

24. Start small and work your way up.

It’s not going to happen immediately if you want to learn how to be dominant. You’ve created a distinct style and personality that you use to guide your actions. Change is never easy, and it is never immediate. You must take tiny measures to allow the submissive you to take the back seat if you want to learn how to be dominant.

That could mean saying “no” one day and telling someone else what to do the next. It may take some time to get the hang of it, but appreciate the small steps you do along the way to have the confidence to be as powerful as you want to be.

25. Begin as a large fish in a little pond and expand.

In a small group, being dominant is much easier than in a large one. As a result, many students who were dominant in high school suddenly find themselves in a very different situation in college.

It’s all about accomplishing lesser tasks before moving on to bigger ones if you want to learn how to be dominating. It is preferable to gain experience with smaller organizations before attempting to take over a firm.

26. how to be dominant in a long distance relationship: Never accept “no” as an answer.

People who are submissive don’t dictate; instead, they inquire. If you’re weary of asking for something and getting a maybe or even a “no” and feeling crushed, it’s time to stop taking no for an answer.

Dominant folks don’t ask; they tell you what they want and why you should comply with their demands. Rather of accepting someone’s “no,” keep pushing until you obtain what you want and need.

27. Draw a line in the sand and never cross it again.

Submissive people frequently enter a situation without drawing a clear line. That is to say, they do not expect to win power; all they aspire for is to get what they desire.

You must have strong convictions, draw a line in the sand, and never back down or let up if you want to be a powerful person. If you’re going to draw a line in the sand, be sure you’re ready to defend it. Otherwise, the next time you want to assert your power over someone, it will be even more difficult.

The dominant personality is not something that everyone is born with, but it is something that we can all learn. Practice and convincing yourself that you are good enough for people to follow you are the keys to being dominant. Who else will believe you are worthy of being followed if you don’t believe you are?

How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship
How To Be Dominant In A Long Distance Relationship

There you have it, how to be dominant in a long distance relationship!

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